
Hello there, and welcome to Magda Row....

Five Years From Now....

I'll miss these simple, everyday, taken-for-granted things.

Learning-to-read notes to & from Kindergarten friends.
My sweet girl's little rain boots that she wants to wear every single season right now.

Maddox's sweet school projects that make me chuckle. : )

On any given day that you see me, I'm probably sporting a sticker or two on each hand. Magdalen brings them to me each morning when I'm getting ready and gives me my daily sticker. Her idea. ; ) Sometimes she'll even bring them to my bedroom before I wake up and I'll feel her sticking one on my hand while I'm half asleep. What a memory I'll treasure forever. :) 

Mini chairs. 

Little adorable sleeping angels that I can still carry in my arms.
 It's so hard for me to believe how soon all of this will be just a memory. 
Which is why I write.
And photograph.
And share stories. 

It's all for me. And them.


Anonymous said...

So sweet! I just realized that by age 4, a good chunk of childhood is gone. We only have a few precious years with them.

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